Welcome! This is a guide to make fake message boxes in VBS.
Video guide: https://youtu.be/0ugmGZnEsOc
Step 1: Create the file.
You'll need to unhide file extensions (which can be seen in this guide: How to disable hide file extensions and change other folder options | Sean-e (wixsite.com))
Step 2: Once you do that, right click in a folder, go to New, and select Text Document. Press CTRL+A and type in your custom name with a .vbs extension.
Step 3: The code:
Here's a template: X=msgbox("",0+0,"")
The 2 numbers next to the plus can be changed. The first number changes the button and the second one changes the icon.
Button Values:
0 - OK 1 - OK/Cancel 2 - Abort/Retry/Ignore 3 - Yes/No/Cancel 4 - Yes/No 5 - Retry/Cancel
Icon Values:
0 - None 16 - Critical 32 - Question 48 - Warning 64 - Information
Hope this helped you make some fake errors!